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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <block id="11" user="Lika" by="Yywyn" timestamp="2024-04-15T15:31:37Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Amendement Cracotte78 (art 16.2 CGU)" nocreate="" noemail="" />
      <block id="10" user="Khyrros" by="Yywyn" timestamp="2023-05-29T14:11:48Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Inactif" nocreate="" />
      <block id="9" user="Boris" by="Yywyn" timestamp="2017-10-04T18:08:24Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Ne joue plus" nocreate="" />
      <block id="8" user="Helmara" by="Yywyn" timestamp="2017-07-23T22:19:57Z" expiry="infinity" reason="N&#039;est plus sur le jeu" nocreate="" noemail="" />
      <block id="7" user="Sydd" by="Yywyn" timestamp="2015-05-01T01:58:35Z" expiry="infinity" reason="Renvoi de l&#039;association éditrice du jeu, pour faute grave et détournement des comptes de Dragonium sur les réseaux sociaux." nocreate="" autoblock="" noemail="" />
      <block id="5" user="Liliith" by="Weaver" timestamp="2014-09-27T14:14:58Z" expiry="infinity" reason="plus de nouvelles" nocreate="" autoblock="" noemail="" />
      <block id="3" user="Inu" by="Weaver" timestamp="2014-09-27T14:14:45Z" expiry="infinity" reason="plus de nouvelles" nocreate="" autoblock="" noemail="" />
      <block id="1" user="Helba" by="Weaver" timestamp="2014-09-27T14:14:01Z" expiry="infinity" reason="plus de nouvelles" nocreate="" autoblock="" noemail="" />